2020: to new beginnings

The happiest of new years to all of you!

I hope you started into this new decade full of energy, ease, love and with new ideas. May the inspiration, the new and the positive energy grasp all of us and turn this new decade into the best yet!

I started 2020 by preparing for a trip – around the world. I will be traveling to a variety of countries, which are all new to me. I am beyond excited – and a little bit unsure of what to expect. But I count myself very fortunate to have this opportunity and to learn much along the way.

If you wish to get updates on my journey (I plan of taking a LOT of photos) – feel free to check out my instagram page here.

Stay curious and just be you! So long, friends!


Happy New Year

Ein frohes Neues Jahr wünscht Miracle Works Films! (Bild oben: Marco stösst mit seinen Eltern an – Standbild aus All In)

Vielen Dank an die tollen Kunden und Partner für die Zusammenarbeit im letzten Jahr!

2019 beginnt bereits schwungvoll.


Wir bieten ihnen bis zum 10. Januar ein Fotoshooting zum Aktionspreis (200 Franken für ein 1-stündiges Fotoshooting mit 10 bearbeiteten Bildern. Erweiterungen sind zusützlich buchbar). – sichern sie sich dieses Angebot hier:

Dieses Jahr wird viel Interessantes bringen. Schauen sie regelmässig auf dieser Seite oder bei Facebook vorbei, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben.

Vielen Dank für ihr Interesse an unserer Arbeit und unseren Projekten.

Auf ein erfolgreiches, schwungvolles Jahr!

Regisseurin Oriana Zängerle über die Bedeutung von “All In”

Liebe Freunde, Filminteressierte und Pokerfans!

Hier ist ein kleiner Ausschnitt aus Oriana Zängerles (Regie, Produktion, Drehbuch) Videointerview zur Bedeutung des Titels “All In”.

Ihr könnt hier Tickets für die exklusive Vorpremiere am 3. September im Xenix in Zürich kaufen. Merci fürs weitersagen!


All In: neues Video mit DoP Marco von Allmen

Liebe Fans, Follower und Filmfreunde,

hier ist ein kleiner Ausschnitt aus dem Videointerview von DoP (Chefkameramann) Marco von Allmen zu seiner Arbeit an “All In” und zur Zusammenarbeit mit Regisseurin, Produzentin und Drehbuchautorin Oriana Zängerle. Viel Spass beim reinschauen! Sichert euch eure Tickets für die Vorpremiere am 3. September im Kino Xenix in Zürich hier!

“All In” short film in production

Dear followers,

I am pleased to announce I am to direct the short film “All In” (@Miracle Works Films, 2014). Preproduction is well underway and shooting will start in january 2015. The script was written by myself, with some contribution from Catrina Klee. It is the story of three people of different social and financial background, age and sex who have one thing in common: they lose themselves in the seemingly glamorous world of poker. Will they be able to get rid of their addiction before they lose everything?

The temptations of addictive gambling is shown in the short film "All In" (@Miracle Works Films, 2014)
The temptations of addictive gambling is shown in the short film “All In” (@Miracle Works Films, 2014)

It is a short film aiming to show the less glamorous side of gambling addiction. The genre is drama with some light and humorous passages. It will be shot in german. Running time will be about 25 minutes.

For those of you who would like to contribute, use the form to get more info on how sponsorings and donations can be made. Thank you all for your interest in my work and this project! All data is treated confidentially.

You are also welcome to like the facebook-page by clicking here.

A late summer day’ s wedding…

In late August, I was invited to a friend’ s wedding. It took place at a beautiful old mill, with a river flowing next to it, of course. The weather was perfect, and so was the party. There was spanish food and cuban music. Here are some pictures:

If you have a party or wedding coming up or want to book a photo shoot for yourself or a friend and are looking for someone to take professional pictures, email me at oriana.zngerle@yahoo.de for a costumized offer.

Your wedding nicely photographed by miracle works

The wedding season has started! This was a very tumultuous setting, the weather didn’ t really play along unfortunately. We were all freezing when I took this picture (most of all the bride and me, which made them laugh, and was therefore a good thing:-)).

But even when the weather isn’ t as nice as you’ d hoped, it’ s still good if there are some nice photos there afterwards to remember the extraordinary, exceptional and emotional ‘most beautiful day of your life’. Our wedding couple was not distracted by the weather, they had a blast. This was the first wedding I photographed, so I plan on improving some things, but I’ m quite happy with the result.

If you’ re interested in having your wedding, birthday party, or another event photographed or filmed, or you’ d just like some beautiful photos of yourself, or want to surprise someone with such a gift, contact me at oriana.zngerle@yahoo.de

What do you think of the pictures?

Please comment below!

Ice wedding cake by Sprüngli, originally uploaded by the real Caffeamore.

A Weekend In Milano

Milano Centrale, originally uploaded by the real Caffeamore.

This was a beautiful weekend in Milano: altough the weather was not very friendly (just a few degrees above zero and a constant wind), the atmosphere with the christmas decorations, as can be seen below, was great.

And to add to that, there’ s the italian STILE DI VITA, which entails good food, coffee, great architecture and culture (for instance, the TEATRO LA SCALA is one of the most acclaimed in the whole world).

I think the old trams have much more charm than the new ones, and I loved seeing them in action still.

This is the wall and tower of the Castello Sforzesco. Below you see the fountain in front of it.

Finally, here is the famous Duomo of Milan by night (front).

And here’ s the back side of the Duomo. Unfortunately, there’ s a huge Ad poster on one side, I don’ t mean to advertise anything other than the beautiful architecture of the Dome. That’ s why I chose to cut the part with the Ad off. Look at those windows: they’ re breathtaking! What can you recommend in Milan? Do you like the architecture, food, culture or shopping best? Please comment below.

Screenshots Amazonica