Inspiration – seasons

Inspiration has many forms. When writing, I can be inspired by scenery, people and their behaviour or appearance, encounters with anyone, really. Often, I have an image in my head before I write a scene for my film. The same goes for creating a character. He or she reveals him or herself to me in fragments. Who is she? Where does she come from? What has she been through? To get to know the character better I have to delve deep. At some stage, they start revealing their character, likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, fears and dreams to me. That’ s when they become tangible.

Anna – Maria (played by Sandra Zellweger) and Antonio (played by Silvio Wey) from my film “All In” bond over Salsa. She likes to gamble, while he’ s not a player in any sense of the word.

Everyone can create a character, make an image come alive. I’ ve been amazed at how kids come up with characters in my classes, where I teach them how to create a character and develop them into a film. How do you create? Through writing? music? painting? movement? How do you get inspired? Let me know in the comments!

Travel is a big inspiration for me, as I’ m sure for many of you, too. This cave in the vietnamese jungle has found itself in a scene I wrote for an upcoming project…more soon.

Would you like to know more about my creative process while creating a film? Leave me a comment with your questions below! I’ d love to read and reply to them in the next post!

2020: to new beginnings

The happiest of new years to all of you!

I hope you started into this new decade full of energy, ease, love and with new ideas. May the inspiration, the new and the positive energy grasp all of us and turn this new decade into the best yet!

I started 2020 by preparing for a trip – around the world. I will be traveling to a variety of countries, which are all new to me. I am beyond excited – and a little bit unsure of what to expect. But I count myself very fortunate to have this opportunity and to learn much along the way.

If you wish to get updates on my journey (I plan of taking a LOT of photos) – feel free to check out my instagram page here.

Stay curious and just be you! So long, friends!


All In: Trailer 2

Liebe Filmbegeisterte!

Hier ist der 2. Trailer von “All In”


In “All In” geht es um drei Menschen aus unterschiedlichen Milieus, welche sich alle zu regelmässigen Pokerrunden um hohe Geldbeträge treffen. Die Geschichte spielt in einem abgelegenen schweizer Bergdorf, wo die alleinerziehende junge Mutter Anna – Maria, der einsame Chefkoch Schiller und der verwöhnte Internatsschüler Marco beim Pokern nach Ablenkung suchen. Wird diese Sucht ihre Existenzen und Zukunft zerstören?


Production Credits:

“All In” wurde produziert von Oriana Zängerle (Miracle Works Films).





Regisseurin Oriana Zängerle über die Bedeutung von “All In”

Liebe Freunde, Filminteressierte und Pokerfans!

Hier ist ein kleiner Ausschnitt aus Oriana Zängerles (Regie, Produktion, Drehbuch) Videointerview zur Bedeutung des Titels “All In”.

Ihr könnt hier Tickets für die exklusive Vorpremiere am 3. September im Xenix in Zürich kaufen. Merci fürs weitersagen!


All In: neues Video mit DoP Marco von Allmen

Liebe Fans, Follower und Filmfreunde,

hier ist ein kleiner Ausschnitt aus dem Videointerview von DoP (Chefkameramann) Marco von Allmen zu seiner Arbeit an “All In” und zur Zusammenarbeit mit Regisseurin, Produzentin und Drehbuchautorin Oriana Zängerle. Viel Spass beim reinschauen! Sichert euch eure Tickets für die Vorpremiere am 3. September im Kino Xenix in Zürich hier!

All In: Vorpremiere am 3. September in Zürich, Tickets erhältlich

Liebe Fans, Unterstützer und Filminteressierte!

“All In” ist nach 2 Jahren Produktionszeit (das Drehbuch haben wir im August vor 2 Jahren zu schreiben angefangen) beinahe fertiggestellt. Hier ein kleiner Einblick in die Dreharbeiten:

Ich freue mich sehr, ankündigen zu dürfen, dass die Cast – und Crew Vorpremiere von

“All In” am 3. September im Kino Xenix in Zürich (11 Uhr Vormittags) stattfinden wird.

Um die Unkosten zu decken, läuft gerade eine Crowdfunding – Kampagne. Hier können sie Tickets für die Premiere und andere Goodies kaufen und so unser Projekt unterstützen.

Vielen Dank dafür.

Mehr über “All in

“All In” Behind the Scenes Interviews – Part 1

Dear readers,

I am excited to bring you the first part of our Behind The Scenes Interviews for “All In”. The interview is in Swiss german, with german subtitles.

Featured in this video are:

Sandra Zellweger (playing Anna-Maria Schmid)

Lionel Podarski (playing Marco)

Manuel Miglioretto (playing Stefan, also part of the crew)

1st Assistant Director Meret Jehle

Director of Photography Marco von Allmen

Writer, Producer and Director Oriana Zängerle.

Enjoy and I’ d appreciate a like, share or comment!

If you have any questions for the composer of the score, comment by wednesday and your question might make it into the video!

All In – The Movie: Cast and Crew

Sandra Zellweger is playing Anna – Maria Schmid in “All In – The Movie”

This year was started off with a bang – at least for me. We started shooting “All In – The Movie” on January 4th in Regensberg, Switzerland.

The film is a short, produced, directed and written by Oriana Zängerle, with contributing writer Catrina Klee adding vital inspirations to the script. The film features Sandra Zellweger as Anna – Maria Schmid, Lionel Podarski as Marco, Manuel Miglioretto as Stefan, Freigeist van Tazzy as Schiller, Silvio Wey as Antonio, and Manuela Glanzmann as Paula. The secretive Dora is played by Vreni Brun.

I was fortunate to have a very professional and creative team around me: Marco von Allmen sees to capture the perfect shot as our Director of Photography, Katharina Meier and Ferdinand Kirsch are very inventive and creative Production Designers, costumes were overseen by Scarlett Arnet, who was assisted by Gina Zängerle, the film was edited by Claudio Sipka, with original Score composed by Paddy Blätsch. Björn Härtel and Reto Daniel Ziegler are Production Managers. Meret Jehle is 1st Assistant Director.

Please feel free to post your questions in the comments and like the All In – The Movie FB page…more news are coming soon!

“All In” short film in production

Dear followers,

I am pleased to announce I am to direct the short film “All In” (@Miracle Works Films, 2014). Preproduction is well underway and shooting will start in january 2015. The script was written by myself, with some contribution from Catrina Klee. It is the story of three people of different social and financial background, age and sex who have one thing in common: they lose themselves in the seemingly glamorous world of poker. Will they be able to get rid of their addiction before they lose everything?

The temptations of addictive gambling is shown in the short film "All In" (@Miracle Works Films, 2014)
The temptations of addictive gambling is shown in the short film “All In” (@Miracle Works Films, 2014)

It is a short film aiming to show the less glamorous side of gambling addiction. The genre is drama with some light and humorous passages. It will be shot in german. Running time will be about 25 minutes.

For those of you who would like to contribute, use the form to get more info on how sponsorings and donations can be made. Thank you all for your interest in my work and this project! All data is treated confidentially.

You are also welcome to like the facebook-page by clicking here.