2020: to new beginnings

The happiest of new years to all of you!

I hope you started into this new decade full of energy, ease, love and with new ideas. May the inspiration, the new and the positive energy grasp all of us and turn this new decade into the best yet!

I started 2020 by preparing for a trip – around the world. I will be traveling to a variety of countries, which are all new to me. I am beyond excited – and a little bit unsure of what to expect. But I count myself very fortunate to have this opportunity and to learn much along the way.

If you wish to get updates on my journey (I plan of taking a LOT of photos) – feel free to check out my instagram page here.

Stay curious and just be you! So long, friends!


“Der Juwelier Peridot” – erleben sie die ganze Geschichte!

Liebe Filmfans und Krimibegeisterten, Bücherwürmer und Romantiker!

Im letzten Jahr habe ich mit Doris Eichenberger den Krimi – Fortsetzungsroman “Der Juwelier Peridot” geschrieben. Im Januar 2017 haben wir den letzten Teil fertiggestellt. Die ganze Geschichte, während eines Jahres für unsere Abonnenten entwickelt – ist nun auf Papier.



Der Juwelier, der dieser Geschichte den Namen gibt, hat sein Geschäft im edlen Gstaad. Seine Kreationen sind exklusiv, und sein neu geschaffenes Peridot – Collier ist eine Sensation. Doch sein Juweliergeschäft steckt in der Krise…er wird vor unerwartete Herausforderungen gestellt. Als wäre das nicht genug, wird bald darauf im Wald ein Toter entdeckt. Was hat der Juwelier damit zu tun?

Die Sonderermittlerin Judith Schnell, die aus St. Gallen stammt, wird mit dem Fall betraut. Sie stösst auf allerlei Ungereimtheiten und verblüfft die kleine Polizeiwache im Berner Oberland mit ihren Ermittlungsmethoden. Gelingt es ihr, den Mörder zu entlarven, bevor dieser weitere Gräueltaten verüben kann?

Ihr könnt den Krimi hier abonnieren (Box Bestellung Krimi “Der Juwelier Peridot” ankreuzen. Der Versand erfolgt via Email als PDF, die ganze Geschichte kostet 84 Franken):

Anliegen (bitte wählen)

All In – The Movie: Cast and Crew

Sandra Zellweger is playing Anna – Maria Schmid in “All In – The Movie”

This year was started off with a bang – at least for me. We started shooting “All In – The Movie” on January 4th in Regensberg, Switzerland.

The film is a short, produced, directed and written by Oriana Zängerle, with contributing writer Catrina Klee adding vital inspirations to the script. The film features Sandra Zellweger as Anna – Maria Schmid, Lionel Podarski as Marco, Manuel Miglioretto as Stefan, Freigeist van Tazzy as Schiller, Silvio Wey as Antonio, and Manuela Glanzmann as Paula. The secretive Dora is played by Vreni Brun.

I was fortunate to have a very professional and creative team around me: Marco von Allmen sees to capture the perfect shot as our Director of Photography, Katharina Meier and Ferdinand Kirsch are very inventive and creative Production Designers, costumes were overseen by Scarlett Arnet, who was assisted by Gina Zängerle, the film was edited by Claudio Sipka, with original Score composed by Paddy Blätsch. Björn Härtel and Reto Daniel Ziegler are Production Managers. Meret Jehle is 1st Assistant Director.

Please feel free to post your questions in the comments and like the All In – The Movie FB page…more news are coming soon!

Happy 2013! Taking off to new heights…

Dear visitors,

Thank you so much for your visits, comments, sharing and likes on Miracleworks this past year! It has been a great year with a lot going on. I truly appreciate all your input and support and hope you’ ll be back on this blog in 2013.

All the best, lots of success, good ideas, and a happy and creative 2013 to you all! I can’ t wait to see you back here in the new year, there will be some announcements!

As a symbol for the past year, in which I finished my Bachelor of Arts in Directing, I chose one of my favourite animals: the gabbiano. It looks so graceful as it lands on this rock…sometimes it would be really nice to be able to fly…

Cheers to all the positive, creative people out there! See you soon!

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